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Матаков Денис Дмитриевич

Мужчина, 35 лет, родился 27 января 1989

Рассматривает предложения
 +7 (906) 555-00-44
 Telegram: @matakov
 — предпочитаемый способ связи
Телефон подтвержден
Способы связи

Тверь, не готов к переезду, не готов к командировкам

Технический директор

  • Технический директор (CTO)
  • Директор по информационным технологиям (CIO)

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день, удаленная работа

Опыт работы 13 лет 8 месяцев

Июнь 2022по настоящее время
1 год 11 месяцев

Москва, samoletgroup.ru

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Технический директор
Технический директор, Product Delivery Lead, кластер из 11 IT-продуктов для управления процессом строительства. Product Delivery Lead for 6 Construction Web-Applications and 5 Mobile Apps. Team Manager for 35 Backend, Frontend, Mobile Developers and QAs. # Key Stack: - Kubernates - Cloud Technologies - Python 3 - Django 3 - Kafka - Docker and Compose # Interviewer and mentor - Hired half of development team (Python stack).
Январь 2020по настоящее время
4 года 4 месяца
Open Source Contributor

Москва, github.com/matacoder

Key Python Developer
# WebRTC Peer to Peer Video Calls https://github.com/matacoder/p2p-video-calling-app Proof of concept for peer to peer calls using WebRTC technology. ## Stack - Socket.IO - Python FastAPI - Python AIOHTTP - JavaScript Node.JS Express # Django-Docker https://github.com/matacoder/django-docker This is a magic repository for everyone who wants to start developing and do not want to worry about initial django and docker setup. ## Stack and Features - Django - Nginx - PostgreSQL - Gunicorn - Docker Compose for development - Docker Compose for production - Caddy config for fast SSL + domain deploy - Poetry dependency manager - Loguru logger - Initial entrypoint to take care of django and postgres setup - Black code formatter - Basic Workflow for GitHub Actions - Accounts app with all authorization forms implemented with Bulma CSS - Basic template to test login/logout - Sign up form - Main app to immediately start writing your first business logic - Django Debug Toolbar! Analyze SQL on-the-fly # Python Questions for Senior and Lead roles https://github.com/matacoder/senior Educational repository for improving your Python knowledge
Июль 2021Июнь 2022
1 год

Санкт-Петербург, www.epam-group.ru

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Senior Software Developer (Python)
# Python School Mentor - 2 graduated students - 3 successful diploma defences # Python Laboratory Mentor - 2 juniors developers curated to middle level # Python Stack (US Project): - aiohttp/aiojobs - Django - Django REST - PostgreSQL - Google Cloud Platform - Docker - Kubernetes/Ingress - MQTT # Technical Interviewing for: - Python School - Python Laboratory - Python Project # Most notable achievements: - International assessment for Senior Role - Completed over 20 LinkedIn Python Courses # Code Challenges: - Wrote all documentation to project - Created Permission Endpoint - Implemented asynchronous files streaming as part of GCP migrations - Fixed migrations for database on development server (it was broken for all applications for 6 month, - Fixed redirects for all legacy and current links, - Created rules for Kubernetes Ingress (GCP), - Created endpoint for PDF preview, - Fixed bunch of production bugs, - Implemented a lot of new features, - Helped with migration of the biggest customers to new app (validation endpoint). - implement a way to spawn a separate asynchronous task in aiohttp
Апрель 2021Июль 2021
4 месяца
Blackbox Database Backup

Норвегия, pypi.org/project/blackbox-cli/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Key Software Developer (Python)
- Notification frequency logic - Moved project to Poetry - Dropbox token validation - Integrated MariaDB and MySQL backup system - Masked sensitive output - Added Telegram notification - Linted project (PEP8, comments, docstrings) https://github.com/lemonsaurus/blackbox/pulls?q=+is%3Apr+author%3Amatacoder
Январь 2018Июнь 2021
3 года 6 месяцев
Wildberries Supplier Portal

Москва, wb.matakov.com/

Key Software Developer (Python)
# Statistics: - 100+ registrations # Software Stack - Django - Django REST - Poetry - PostgreSQL - Redis - Gunicorn - Python Multiprocessing Library (Thread Pool Executor) - Docker, Docker Compose - Nginx - Caddy # Frontend - HTML - CSS - Bulma.io - HTMX JavaScript # Tasks: - Displayed live stock quantity - Displayed Today's orders - Displayed Today's sales - Displayed 14 days' sales - Implemented Cart in Session - Implemented What-to-buy-next analysis - Implemented Registration - Added Marketplace Support - Added analytics on low sellers - Added bunch of customer requested features
Июль 2011Апрель 2021
9 лет 10 месяцев
ИП Матаков Денис Дмитриевич

Москва, matakov.com

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Founder & Fullstack Developer
Developed several online stores using various PHP/MySQL Frameworks. Technology stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL (MariaDB), Bash, Linux. Frameworks: Wordpress, SimplaCMS, WebAsyst Shop-Script Completed full stack projects: https://jevu.ru https://matakov.com https://kolechki.ru https://lampov.com https://lustra-market.ru https://sport-tver.ru https://rumyantsevo.club
Февраль 2017Май 2020
3 года 4 месяца
Румянцево (Фитнес-клуб)

Тверь, rumyantsevo.club

Business and IT Consulting
- Fully develop corporate website (Wordpress, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL) - Implemented AmoCRM system and perform staff education how to use it, - Implemented online appointment system using Yclients.com, - Prepared automated reports with business data for management (Excel)
Сентябрь 2010Июль 2011
11 месяцев

Москва, www.alfabank.ru

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Специалист отдела развития интернет-банка
I have been appointed as main project manager while aligning 12 different departments in the adoption of the new type of bank saving account. - UX/UI in Photoshop, - Technical documentation for developers team, - Testing.

Ключевые навыки

Изменить уровни владения навыками можно в мобильном приложении — на сайте эта возможность будет чуть позже

Английский язык
Django Framework
Back-end developer
Digital Ocean

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B

Обо мне

# Product Delivery Lead for 11 Constraction products Manage team of 35 developers # Senior Python Developer (5+ years) with hands-on experience in: - AsyncIO, - aiohttp, - Django and REST Framework, - PostgreSQL, - Redis, - Nginx, - Caddy Server, - GitHub and GitHub Actions CI, - Docker and Docker-Compose, - Kubernetes Ingress, - Google Cloud Platform. - Kafka # Python teacher and mentor, technical interviewer. - Please consider looking at feedbacks' section on my linkedin account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matakov/ - You may find it useful also to look my github account: https://github.com/matacoder - Experienced in CSS/HTML/JavaScript, Django Template Engine, Bootstrap and Bulma. Overall 20+ years in IT.


UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
Nguyên Baylatry (Engineering Manager - Agile Evangelist) 
UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
Joachim Jablon (Lead Architect) 
UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
Jérôme Mestres (Lead Software Engineer) 
UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
Lionel Duroyon (Python backend engineer) 
UKG (Ultimate Kronos Group)
Maxence Lefort (Senior Product Manage) 
Dastan Abdrakhmanov (Python Backend developer) 
Andrew Lee (Python Backend developer) 
Dignio, Python Discord
Leon Sandøy (DevEx Team Lead, Owner of Python Discord) 

Высшее образование

Знание языков


АнглийскийB2 — Средне-продвинутый

Повышение квалификации, курсы

Яндекс, Back-end Developer (Python)
Девман, Асинхронный Python
Google, Google Python Class

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Россия

Разрешение на работу: Россия

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения